Audit Services

The majority of successful corporations and other entities are required by law to have their financial statements audited regularly, normally annually.
We are Registered Auditors and have experience in a wide range of businesses, from small family-owned companies to large organizations.
Our audit services aim at providing you with the confidence you require in the reliability of your financial statements, and assurance as to the assertions made by the directors in those financial statements. There are good reasons to contact Globe Accountancy Services 2013 for having an audit even if you are not required by law to have one:

Under Audit Services We do the following

1: Audit Opinion
An audit involves a detailed review of a reporting entity’s accounting and internal control systems detailed understanding of the entity’s business. Such a review and knowledge can provide increased opportunities to provide proactive business advice on performance signals for a better future.
We improve the status of the financial statements in the eyes of banks and commercial lenders, the Taxman and suppliers who may be seeking credit references.
A history of financial statements with clean audit reports can also be a factor if you ever wish to sell the company or, perhaps, take it to the market. The possibility of fraud can be reduced and an audit can act as a deterrent to any potential fraudster.

2: Management Audit Report
In addition to expressing our opinion on the reliability of financial statements, we make observations on the effectiveness of the reporting entity’s accounting and internal control systems as well as business challenges and offer recommendations for rectifying any weaknesses we may have come across during the audit.
This can at times result in our identifying potential problem areas and recommending opportunities to improve your business performance. We discuss the problems and opportunities with you and help you implement any agreed solutions.
We are also qualified to conduct special investigative audits.

Other Assurance Services

Other assurance services are Compilation and Reviews Services. They include:

  1. Limited Assurance Reports (ISAE 3000)
  2. Agreed Upon Procedures (ISRS 4400);
  3. Review Engagements (ISRE 2400);
  4. Independent Examinations.

Are you ready for outstanding Audit Services?

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